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Top 10 U.S. research institutes in the Nature Index 2024: Check out the full list here

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Top 10 U.S. research institutes in the Nature Index 2024: Check out the full list here

The Nature Index database records affiliation information from primary research articles published in 145 natural science and health science journals, selected based on their reputation by a panel of active scientists, independently of Springer Nature. The database tracks article counts (referred to by the metric Count) and fractional article counts (Share) for each publication.
Each year, the index releases two main categories of rankings: Leading Institutions and Leading Countries/Territories. These categories feature global rankings as well as rankings by nation and subject. Today, we explore how the United States has performed in the Nature Index 2024.

Top 10 US Research Institutes in the Nature Index 2024

Name of the institute Position Share 2022 Share 2023 Count 2023
Harvard University 1 1169.58 1143.43 3763
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 2 479.96 484.86 2032
Stanford University 3 592.62 474.13 1929
National Institutes of Health (NIH) 4 444.44 394.48 1112
University of Michigan 5 372.55 390.50 1415
Yale University 6 380.20 343.16 1402
University of California 7 335.22 331.74 1062
Columbia University in the city of New York 8 342.91 330.31 1232
University of Pennslyvaina 9 374.65 323.65 1118
Cornell University 10 302.76 320.47 1070

The Nature Index 2024 highlights the top 10 U.S. research institutes, showcasing their contributions to global research from January 1 to December 31, 2023. Harvard University retains its top position with the highest share (1143.43) and count (3763), reflecting its dominance in impactful publications. MIT and Stanford University follow, maintaining strong research outputs. Notable improvements are seen in institutes like the University of Michigan and Cornell University, indicating rising contributions. The metrics, Count and Share, emphasize collaborative efforts and equitable contributions. These rankings underscore the U.S.’s leadership in diverse research fields and its pivotal role in advancing global scientific knowledge.
Click here to check the complete list.
The 2024 research leaders are based on Nature Index data from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023.
Definition of Count: A count of one is assigned to a country if at least one author of a research article is affiliated with that country, regardless of the number of co-authors from other countries.
Definition of Share: A country’s share considers the percentage of authors from that country and the number of countries affiliated with the article. For share calculations, all authors are assumed to have contributed equally. The maximum combined share for a single article is 1.0.

What are the top 10 institutes on the Global list?

Name of the institute Country Position Share 2023 Count 2023
Chinese Academy of Science China 1 2243.22 7554
Harvard University USA 2 1143.43 3763
Max Planck Society Germany 3 642.83 2572
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences China 4 635.81 3227
University of Science and Technology of China China 5 631.0 1858
Peking University China 6 617.17 2349
French National Centre for Scientific Research France 7 613.90 4400
Nanjing University China 8 609.45 1448
Zhejiang University China 9 595.37 1540
Tsinghua University China 10 593.45 1946

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