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Wake up babe a 13th zodiac just dropped!: All about Ophiuchus the serpent-bearer and if your birth date fits the bill

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Ophiuchus raises its head. Again.

So do we have a 13th zodiac now?
So do we have a 13th zodiac now?

If you know even the teeniest bit about Astrology, the first thought that any mention of a 13th zodiac will elicit, is ‘what about the dates?!’. If you’re a habitual horoscope reader and moon cycle follower, we’re pretty sure it’s worse for you. For those who’re not getting it, you of course know that every day of the year is accounted for in terms of which zodiac window it represents; i.e, Aries is March to April, Taurus is April to May etcetera, etcetera. So a 13th zodiac basically means that things need to be pushed around to accommodate a window of birth dates for it. But how do you do this without upsetting the existing Astrology calendar?

Well we’re here to tell you, that there’s no need to panic.

For context, each zodiac refers to a constellation, the 12 of which we are already acquainted with. But this is where the very crucial difference between Astrology and Astronomy comes in. Ophiuchus has its own significance in Astronomy, but as far as the astrological order goes, the Babylons decided on 12, one for each month of their calendar. 3,000 years ago. And that is what sticks.

If you’re still curious and insist that the stars must be honoured, know that Ophiuchus’ dates per se, lie between November 29 and December 17, give or take a day on either end. But as far as all the astrological pillars and spiritual significance of the 12 zodiacs go, Ophiuchus has never been considered or included by the mainstream spiritualists.

Now for how non-inclusive Ophiuchus’ journey has been, this is not the first time its lore has got the amateur and actual mystics of the world in a chokehold. It actually keeps resurging into public conscience every now and then, since the 1970s! And NASA for one, has made multiple clarifications over the years, pacifying the internet on how it has not meddled with any of the astrological pillars in their scientific pursuits in the sky and beyond.

Now for all the periodic ruckus Ophiuchus tends to cause, let’s do an aesthetic check on the constellation. Referred to as the ‘serpent-bearer’, The robe-clad Ophiuchus typically appears as a muscular man straddling a serpent-like creature along their torso. Their stance is somewhere between being combat-ready and struggle-ful. It’s core themes are wisdom, healing and change — which by the way if you resonate with, please dig deeper by all means. But remember that in the last 3,000 year-plus legacy of Astrology, Ophiuchus has not been spiritually factored in and thus, this is nothing one should really ‘worry’ about per se.

Dear Astro-enthusiasts, rest easy!


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